Friday, October 26, 2012

The Twelve by Justin Cronin

The second book in The Passage series starts out back in year Zero.  The reader is introduced to several new characters: Bernard Kittridge "Last Stand in Denver," Dr. Lila Kyle, Danny Chayes, Tim and April Donadio,  and Horance Guilder.  Dr. Kyle and Lawrence Grey (of the first novel) meet and try to escape the virals together while Kittridge, Chayes, and both Donadios meet and end up under the care of the Army, trying to evacuate out of the viral areas.

Flash forward to present time where Peter and Alicia Donadio (yup, the great-great-great-however many greats later-granddaughter of April Donadio) are both members of the Second Expeditionary.  Amy has joined a convent and helps to look over Caleb, son of Theo and Maus, who both died at Kerrville.  Caleb was saved by Hollis, who lost his wife Sarah in the massacre.

The group is still trying to find and kill the remaining eleven original virals, Alicia on her own, Peter and Michael teamed up together, and Amy and Greer together.  They all separately find out about a city in Iowa and manage to meet up outside the city, which is being run as a concentration camp to keep people docile and from uprising.

There is another epic battle and a huge twist at the end.

I enjoyed The Twelve, but not as much as The Passage.  But I think a lot of that is because I didn't care for one of the twists at the end, made me very sad actually.  I'm anxious to read the last book in the trilogy, set to be released in 2016 (!!).  It will be interesting to see how it all ends.

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